

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Isabel has many spellings and nicknames, and every single one of them is popular with new parents in the United States. While your little one will likely have one or two in her kindergarten class, don't let that stop you from considering this Spanish derivative of the name Elizabeth. It has royal and religious roots, and it remains a beautiful, graceful name for baby girls. It pairs well with one-syllable middle names, and your daughter will enjoy learning about the many historical figures who shared her name.

Meaning of the name Isabel:

Spanish: Pledged to God or God is my oath
Hebrew: Pledged to God or God is my oath

Origin of the name Isabel:

The baby name Isabel is a Spanish derivative of the Hebrew name Elizabeth. Elizabeth was the wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist in the Bible. The name spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages, and many countries adopted their own versions, such as Isabella in Italy and Isobel in Scotland.

Symbolism of the name Isabel:

Isabel, its related names and the name it's derived from — Elizabeth — are all monikers of many queens, queen consorts and princesses. For this reason, the name may symbolize royalty. In the Bible, Elizabeth was childless and finally became a mother at an older age, so the name may also symbolize hope and fertility to some.

Baby name isabel

Style of the name Isabel:


Gender of the name Isabel:

Isabel is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Isabel:


Number of syllables in the name Isabel:


Emotion evoked from the name Isabel:

Isabel evokes the image of a strong and beautiful woman.

Alternative spellings for the name Isabel:

Nicknames for the name Isabel:

Popularity of the name Isabel:

With the exception of three or four years, Isabel has been a top 500 baby name in the United States since at least 1900. As of 2020, it ranked at number 157, according to the Social Security Administration.

Related names for the name Isabel:

Great middle names for Isabel and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Isabel:

  • Isabel Sanford (actress)
  • Isabel Martínez de Perón (president of Argentina)
  • Isabel del Puerto (actress)
  • Isabel Toledo (fashion designer)
  • Isabel Ordaz (actress)
  • Isabel Allende (writer)

Isabels in popular culture:

  • Isabel Gutierrez (character on the TV show “The Simpsons”)
  • Isabel Evans (character on the TV show “Roswell”)
  • Isabel Archer (character in the book “The Portrait of a Lady”)
  • Isabel Bradley (character in the book “The Razor's Edge”)
  • Isabel Castillo Flores (character on the TV show “Elena of Avalor”)
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