

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Kyndra is a modern baby girl’s name that is the feminine form of Kendrick and a variant spelling of the more traditional Kendra. Kyndra means “knowing”, “royal power”, “chief hero”, and “son of the estate ruler”. Kyndra has never achieved the popularity of the more traditional spelling but there are many famous actresses, artists, and fashion designers that sport the name.

Meaning of the name Kyndra:

English: knowing, royal power
Welsh: chief hero
Scottish: son of the estate ruler

Origin of the name Kyndra:

Kyndra is a modern baby girl’s name that is a variant spelling of Kendra and the feminine form of the name Kendrick. Kyndra derives from the English surname Cyneric which means “knowing, royal power”. It also derives from the Welsh name Cynwrig which means “chief hero”. It may also come from the Scottish surname Mac Eanraig which means “son of the estate ruler”.

Symbolism of the name Kyndra:

Kyndra has several meanings that are all related to leadership, heroism, and power. The name evokes the honor and strength of a warrior that protects and leaders their people.

Style of the name Kyndra:


Gender of the name Kyndra:

Kyndra is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kyndra:

KEN-dra, KIN-druh

Number of syllables in the name Kyndra:


Emotion evoked from the name Kyndra:

Kyndra evokes feelings of wisdom and love.

Alternative spellings for the name Kyndra:

Kendra, Kindra

Nicknames for the name Kyndra:

  • Kyn
  • Kynnie
  • Dra
  • Kyna

Popularity of the name Kyndra:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kynda is an uncommon baby girl’s name that has never appeared in the top 1000 baby names list in the US.

Related names for the name Kyndra:

Great middle names for the name Kyndra and their meanings:

  • Laine (road, bright, shining light)
  • Elodie (foreign riches)
  • Cosima (order, beauty)
  • Ariel (lion of God)
  • Tasmin (twin)
  • Ailsa (elf victory)
  • Camille (young ceremonial attendant)
  • Leilani (heavenly flower)

Famous people with the name Kyndra:

  • Kyndra Sanchez (American actress)
  • Kyndra Holley (American author)
  • Kyndra Alyse Mayo (American actress
  • Kyndra Jade (American fashion designer)
  • Kyndra Reevey (American actress)

Kyndra in popular culture:

Kyndra is not a popular name in pop culture.

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