

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lexa is a simple, yet bold baby name for strong little girls. Lexa is a nice modern twist on the longer name “Alexandra”, making it a good choice for parents who want the meaning behind that classic name, but the style of something more new age. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Lexa:

Greek for “defending men”.

Origin of the name Lexa:

Lexa has strong Greek origins thanks to the baby name being a diminutive version of the name “Alexandra”. “Alexandra” is a name that traces all the way back to Greek mythology as it was the name of a Mycenaean epithet of the goddess Hera.

Symbolism of the name Lexa:

As the baby name Lexa comes from the classic name “Alexandra”, there is a symbolism of someone who is unyielding and aways enduring. The name “Alexandra” itself comes from the masculine “Alexander”, a name used by kings, famous military leaders, and even popes. This connects the baby name Lexa to a symbol of power.

Style of the name Lexa:


Gender of the name Lexa:

Lexa is typically used as a baby name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Lexa:


Number of syllables in the name Lexa:


Emotion evoked from the name Lexa:

With the baby name Alexandra, you get feelings of security, strength, and determination.

Alternative spellings for the name Lexa:

There are no common alternate spellings for the name Lexa.

Nicknames for the name Lexa:

  • Lex
  • Lexy

Popularity of the name Lexa:

According to the Social Security Index, the baby name Lexa has yet to receive much popularity as it hasn’t broken into the top 1000 list of popular names.

Related names for the name Lexa:

Great middle names for Lexa and their meanings:

  • Grace (English virtue name)
  • Holland (wooded land)
  • Lynn (lake)
  • Bree (strength; exalted one)
  • Anne (grace)
  • Jane (God is gracious)
  • Delphi (of Delphi; womb)
  • Cosima (order, beauty)

Famous people with the name Lexa:

  • Lexa Doig (Canadian actress)

Lexas in movies/pop culture:

  • Lexa (character from the TV show The 100)
  • Lexa Pierce (a character in the TV show Mutant X)
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