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Melania is an alternative to the more common Greek name Melanie, though most people in the United States will associate it with a former first lady. As a matter of fact, in 2017, the year she became the first lady, the name jumped into the top 1,000. Beyond that, the name is often associated with a couple of beloved saints. It feels like a fresher and slightly more exotic alternative to Melania that could easily become quite popular again during the 2020s.

Meaning of the name Melania:

Greek: Black, dark

Origin of the name Melania:

Melania has Greek origins and is derived from a word that which means “dark” or “black.” The word “melanin,” which refers to the dark pigment in one's skin, eyes, or hair is related.

Symbolism of the name Melania:

Because of its meaning, Melania might be a great choice for a baby born with dark hair or eyes. New parents may also find symbolism in the name if they were fans of First Lady Melania Trump. Parents of faith may associate the name with Saint Melania the Elder or Saint Melania the Younger.

Style of the name Melania:


Gender of the name Melania:

Melania is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Melania:


Number of syllables in the name Melania:


Emotion evoked from the name Melania:

The baby name Melania evokes images of someone who is witty and intelligent and often uplifts those around her.

Alternative spellings for the name Melania:

  • Melonia
  • Melanya
  • Melonya

Nicknames for the name Melania:

  • Mel
  • Mellie
  • Melly
  • Lani
  • Lania

Popularity of the name Melania:

According to the Social Security Administration, Melania was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in 2017. It ranked at number 933 that year.

Related names for the name Melania:

Great middle names for Melania and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Melania:

Melania in popular culture:


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