

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




The baby name Mikal is a variant of the name Michael, though it can be pronounced the same way or differently. It was quite popular during the mid-1990s, but it looks like it might be on the rise again. That could have something to do with a popular NBA player or just the influence of one of the most beloved baby boy names in American history: Michael. Either way, Mikal has a meaning that will appear to those of the Christian faith, and it pairs well with both current and classic middle names.

Meaning of the name Mikal:

Hebrew: Who is like God?

Origin of the name Mikal:

Mikal is a derivative of the Hebrew name Michael. The name means “who is like God?” It's meant to be a rhetorical question because technically, to those of faith, no one is like God.

Symbolism of the name Mikal:

Because of its meaning, the baby name Mikal may be symbolic to parents of faith, particularly the Christian faith. In the Bible, Michael is the name of an archangel. The name is also associated with an archangel in Islam and Judaism.

Style of the name Mikal:


Gender of the name Mikal :

Mikal is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Mikal :

MYE-kal, MICK-el, MEE-kel

Number of syllables in the name Mikal :


Emotion evoked from the name Mikal :

The baby name Mikal evokes images of someone who is disciplined and serious.

Alternative spellings for the name Mikal :

Nicknames for the name Mikal :

  • Mike
  • Mick
  • Micky
  • Mikey
  • Mischa 
  • Miko

Popularity of the name Mikal :

According to the Social Security Administration, Mikal was a top 1,000 baby name for boys in the United States in 1993, 1994, and 1995. It last ranked at number 965 in 1995.

Related names for the name Mikal :

Great middle names for Mikal and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Mikal :

  • Mikal Bridges (basketball player)
  • Mikal Cronin (musician)
  • Mikal Gilmore (writer and journalist)
  • Mikal Moore (Musician)
  • Thomas Mikal Ford (actor and comedian)

Mikal in popular culture:


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