

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Renae is a unique alternative to the overused Renee. It has the same origins, translating to “reborn” or “born again.” In 2021, Renae was only a top 6,600 option.

Meaning of the name Renae:

English: reborn, born again

Origin of the name Renae:

Renae is the English form of Renee. Renee originated in France as the feminine form of Rene. Rene was the French version of Renatus, a Latin baby name. Renatus originated with the early Christian church to represent Christian men. It translated to “born again” or “reborn.”

Symbolism of the name Renae:

Renae has the same meaning as the baby name Renee. Both come from the French Rene, which is a take on the Latin Renatus. Renatus was an early name for Christian men. This denotation gave the meaning of “born again” or “reborn” to these options.

Style of the name Renae:


Gender of the name Renae:

Renae is a refined name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Renae:


Number of syllables in the name Renae:


Emotion evoked from the name Renae:

Renae feels refined and noble. It is a feminine baby name option.

Alternative spellings for the name Renae:

  • Renee 
  • Renei
  • Reney
  • Renay
  • Reneigh

Nicknames for the name Renae:

  • Nae
  • Nae Nae
  • Renny
  • Rennie
  • Ren
  • Rena

Popularity of the name Renae:

Renae was first a top 1,000 option in America in 1948 at rank 991. It remained on the top 1,000 list until 1990 when it was number 988. Renae ranked highest so far in 1970 at rank 509. As of 2021, Renae is just over a top 6,500 option at number 6,508.

Related names for the name Renae:

Great middle names for Renae and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Renae:

  • Renae Cuellar (soccer player)
  • Renae Ayris (Miss Australia from 2012)
  • Renae Jacobs (voice actress, “Rose Petal Place”)
  • Renae Geerlings (actress, “Compound Fracture”)
  • Renae Camino (basketball player)

Renaes in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Renae.

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