

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Names C


Shaina only became popular among everyday American families in the last century. It was originally only used among Jewish and Yiddish families. Shaina is now a top 5,300 baby name option for girls throughout America.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Shaina:

Shaina is a modern version of a classical name. It comes from the ancient Yiddish name Shayna, which draws inspiration from the Yiddish word “shein”. “Shein” directly translates to “beautiful”. Until the past century, this name was only used among Jewish families.

Symbolism of the Name Shaina:

The baby name Shaina translates to “beautiful”. It comes directly from the ancient Yiddish name Shayna, and it is a spelling variation of it. Shayna comes from the Yiddish word “shein”.

Nicknames for the Name Shaina:

Shaina is a pretty name that is rather uncommon in the United States. Here are some great nicknames that go with Shaina:

Style of the Name Shaina:


Gender of the Name Shaina:

Shaina is an informal baby name for girls.

Pronunciation of the Name Shaina:


Number of Syllables in the Name Shaina:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Shaina:

Shaina is a casual and simple name for girls. It is common and approachable.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Shaina:

  • Shayna
  • Shaena
  • Shainna
  • Shaynna
  • Shaenna
  • Shainah
  • Shaynah
  • Shaenah

Popularity of the Name Shaina:

Shaina was a top 1,000 baby name in America from 1982 to 2000. In 1982, it was number 844, and in 2000, 794. Shaina did best in 1987 when it was at rank 319. As of 2021, Shaina is a top 5,300 option at number 5,266.

Great Middle Names for Shaina and Their Meanings:

  • Viola (violet, purple flower)
  • Devin (bard, poet)
  • Elizabeth (God is my oath)
  • Janae (God is gracious)
  • Bethany (house of figs)
  • Naomi (pleasantness, beautiful, gentle)
  • Zara (radiance, blooming flower)
  • Micaela (who resembles God?)

Famous People with the Name Shaina:

  • Shaina (character from “Gullah Gullah Island”)
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