

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Micaela is a spelling variation of the more popular Michaela. Both are the feminine versions of Michael, a popular name in the Bible because of the archangel. He is the leader of the angel armies who fight Satan and the demons according to Biblical tradition.

Meaning of the name Micaela:

Italian: who is like God?
Spanish: who is like God?
Israeli: who is like God?

Origin of the name Micaela:

Micaela is the Italian, Spanish, and Israeli version of the more popular Michaela. The latter is the feminine version of Michael, which comes from the Hebrew name Mikha'el. Michael was an archangel mentioned in Daniel in the books of Daniel and Revelation. The popularity of the Biblical character led to the rise of the name and its feminine variants after the rise of the Christian church.

Symbolism of the name Micaela:

Micaela means “who is like God?” because of the baby name Michael. It has the same meaning as this original masculine title.

Style of the name Micaela:


Gender of the name Micaela:

Micaela is a youthful name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Micaela:

mi-KAY-luh or mee-ka-EH-la

Number of syllables in the name Micaela:

Three or four

Emotion evoked from the name Micaela:

Micaela feels young and wholesome. It is a kind-hearted and refined name.

Alternative spellings for the name Micaela:

Nicknames for the name Micaela:

  • Mic
  • Mick
  • Caela
  • Cae
  • Mickey
  • Mica 

Popularity of the name Micaela:

Micaela was a top 1,000 baby name from 1985 to 2010. It began at rank 546 and left at number 956. Micaela did best in 1995 when it was at 451. As of 2021, Micaela is a top 2,000 option at rank 1,988.

Related names for the name Micaela:

Great middle names for Micaela and their meanings:

  • Adair (ford of the oaks)
  • Jolie (pretty)
  • Elise (my God is an oath)
  • Camille (helper to the priest)
  • Louise (famous warrior)
  • Simone (God has heard)
  • Kathleen (pure)
  • Rae (ewe, female sheep)

Famous people with the name Micaela:

  • Micaela Villegas (actress, “The Bridge of San Luis Rey”), “La Perricholi”)
  • Micaela Schafer (actress, “EuroClub”)
  • Micaela Vazquez (actress, “Rebelde Way”)
  • Micaela Ramazzotti (actress, “The First Beautiful Thing”)
  • Micaela Reis (Miss Angola from 2007)

Micaelas in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the name Micaela.

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