

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Tamala is a modern English and African baby name. In English Tamala is a combination of Tamara and Pamela meaning “all sweetness date palm”. In African it means “dark tree”. Tamala first appeared in the US in the 1950’s and was in the top 1000 baby names from 1963 to 1974.

Meaning of the name Tamala:

English: all sweetness date palm
African: dark tree

Origin of the name Tamala:

Tamala is a modern English baby name that is a combination of Pamela (meaning “all sweetness”) and Tamara (meaning “date palm”). Tamala is also a name of African origin that means “dark tree”.

Symbolism of the name Tamala:

The date palm is referred to as the Tree of Life and symbolic of the circle of life, victory, peace, and eternal life. All sweetness was a term for honey, which is symbol of immortality in many ancient cultures.

Style of the name Tamala:


Gender of the name Tamala:

Tamala is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Tamala:


Number of syllables in the name Tamala:


Emotion evoked from the name Tamala:

Tamala evokes feelings of benevolence and strength of will.

Alternative spellings for the name Tamala:

Tamela, Tamyla, Temala

Nicknames for the name Tamala:

  • Tammy
  • Mala
  • Malie
  • Lala
  • Tam

Popularity of the name Tamala:

According to the Social Security Administration, Tamala is a baby girl’s name that was briefly popular. Tamala was on the top 1000 baby names list from 1963 to 1974. It peaked at #801 in 1971.

Related names for the name Tamala:

Great middle names for the name Tamala and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Tamala:

  • Tamala Jones (American actress)
  • Tamala Edwards (American TV news anchor)
  • Tamala(daughter of country music singers George Jones and Tammy Wynette)
  • Tamala Krishna Goswami (American social activist)
  • Evie Tamala (Indonesian singer-songwriter)

Tamalas in popular culture:

  • Tamala (film, “Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space”)
  • Tamala (television, “ Screechers Wild”)
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