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Nala is a name that feels both powerful and regal. A lovely name with a long history, it's a great choice for a child. Read more to learn about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Nala:

Nala is a name with several potential origins. It may be derived from the Swahili word meaning “queen”, the Arabic word meaning “water in the desert”, or the Sanskrit word meaning “hollow reed”. Alternative meanings in Swahili are “lion” and “successful”. Regardless of the meaning, the name has strong connections to many African cultures. The name is often associated with the character of the same name from Disney's The Lion King.

Symbolism of the Name Nala:

Nala is a word with a great deal of symbolism, though the symbolism largely depends upon the culture of the family using the name. In most cases, the name tends to symbolize the importance of the child to her family. A common symbol associated with this name is a lion.

Nicknames for the Name Nala:

Many of the nicknames for Nala are beautiful! With a name as regal and strong as Nala, you'll want to pick the right nickname. We've compiled a list of great options here, so take a look!

  • La-la
  • Nah
  • Na-na
  • Nal
  • Ala
  • La
  • Nali
  • Nala-Bala
  • Nally
  • Ali 
  • Nals
  • Little Lion
  • Nas

Style of the Name Nala:


Gender of the Name Nala:

Nala is a name that is unisex depending the culture from which it springs, but tends to be used only for baby girls in the United States.

Pronunciation of the Name Nala:


Number of Syllables in the Name Nala:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Nala:

Nala tends to evoke respectful and positive emotions.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Nala:

Popularity of the Name Nala:

According to the Social Security Administration, Nala last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 2022 as the 804th most popular baby name for girls. The name peaked in popularity in 2019 as the 682nd most popular name for baby girls.

Great Middle Names for Nala and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Nala:

  • Nala Damajanti (French entertainer)
  • Nala (character from The Lion King)
  • Nala Se (character from Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
  • Nala (character in The Ramayana)
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