

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Middle Names




Ancient Roman baby names, like Augustus, Atticus, Lucius, and Darius, are pretty common for baby boys these days, but one name you never really hear is Trajan. Trajan was the name of a popular Roman emperor many many centuries ago, but that hasn't translated into a modern baby name, at least not in the United States. The name has supposedly shown some traction in some Slavic cultures. Either way, we'd love to see it make its mark in America. Pair it with a classic or current middle name to make it sound a bit less out there.

Meaning of the name Trajan:

Latin: Enduring

Origin of the name Trajan:

The exact origin of the baby name Trajan is unknown. We know that it was the name of a first and second-century Roman emperor, but we couldn't find any history beyond that. However, the consensus seems to be that the name means “enduring.”

Symbolism of the name Trajan:

New parents may find symbolism in Trajan's meaning, “enduring.” They may hope their baby boy grows up to be able to endure whatever comes his way. Because the name is associated with a Roman emperor, new parents may also see the name as symbolic of leadership.

Style of the name Trajan:


Gender of the name Trajan:

Trajan is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Trajan:


Number of syllables in the name Trajan:


Emotion evoked from the name Trajan:

The baby name Trajan evokes images of someone who is brave, strong, and willing to do what it takes to protect those he loves.

Alternative spellings for the name Trajan:

  • Trayjan
  • Traejan

Nicknames for the name Trajan:

  • Traj
  • Tray

Popularity of the name Trajan:

According to the Social Security Administration, Trajan has never been a top 1,000 baby name for boys or girls in the United States.

Related names for the name Trajan:

Great middle names for Trajan and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Trajan:

  • Trajan Langdon (NBA executive)
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