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Adley is likely a created name in American culture. Most say that it is a nickname of sorts for the baby name Hadley, and it quickly became a standalone option. Adley has only been on the top 1,000 list on a consistent basis for the last five years, however.

Meaning of the name Adley:

Arabic: honest
American: variation of Hadley

Origin of the name Adley:

Most believe that Adley is an alternative form of the baby name Hadley. The latter is a unisex name that was originally a surname in towns throughout England, especially those that were from places where the heather plant grew when considering the meaning. Some believe, however, that Adley is a phonetic form of the Arabic boy's name Adlai.

Symbolism of the name Adley:

Adley means a “variation of Hadley” when considering the most popular origin story. Others share, however, that it is a more modern version of Adlai, giving Adley the same meaning of “honest” in Arabic culture.

Baby name Adley

Style of the name Adley:


Gender of the name Adley:

Adley can be used for boys or girls. Due to the cute nature of the name, however, it is more common for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Adley:


Number of syllables in the name Adley:


Emotion evoked from the name Adley:

Adley feels cute, lighthearted, and kind. It is approachable and humble.

Alternative spellings for the name Adley:

  • Adlie
  • Adli
  • Adly
  • Adlee 
  • Adleigh
  • Adllei
  • Adlei

Nicknames for the name Adley:

Popularity of the name Adley:

Adley was a top 800 name in 2012, and it did not come back to the top 1,000 list until 2015. The name has begun to ascend in the last few years. As of 2020, for instance, it is rank 538, which is its highest ranking yet.

Related names for the name Adley:

Great middle names for Adley and their meanings:

  • Claire (clear)
  • Brynn (hill, mound)
  • Jean (God is gracious)
  • Mae (May, goddess of spring)
  • Beck (lives by a stream)
  • Blair (plain, field)
  • Cade (cooper)
  • Samuel (God has heard)

Famous people with the name Adley:

  • Adley Rutschman (NBA player)
  • Adley McBride (daughter of Shonduras)
  • Adley Stump (reality TV star, “The Voice”)

Adleys in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Adley yet.



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