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Azariah is a baby boy’s name of Hebrew origin that means “helped by God.” Azariah is a traditional name but it was not popular in the U.S. until 2013. The popularity of the name Azariah has risen every year since then. Want to know more? Keep reading on.

Meaning and Origin of the name Azariah:

Azariah is a Hebrew baby boy’s name that means “helped by God.” Azariah is a common name in the Hebrew Bible.

Symbolism of the name Azariah:

Azariah is the name of several figures in the Hebrew Bible. The most notable is a man who was ordered thrown into the fires by a Babylonian king.

Nicknames for the name Azariah:

Style of the name Azariah:


Gender of the name Azariah:

Azariah is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Azariah:


Number of syllables in the name Azariah:


Emotion evoked from the name Azariah:

Azariah evokes feelings of compassion and strength.

Alternative spellings for the name Azariah:

Azaria, Azaryah

Popularity of the name Azariah:

According to the Social Security Administration, Azariah is a popular baby boy’s name. Azariah was in the top 1000 baby names list from 2013 to 2021. It peaked at #648 in 2021.

Great middle names for the name Azariah and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Azariah:

  • Azariah Giles Orton (American theologian)
  • Azariah ben Moses dei Rossi (Italian physician and scholar)
  • Azariah Boody (U.S. Congressman from New York)
  • Azariah Cutting Flagg (American editor and politician)
  • Azariah Southworth (American writer and TV presenter)
  • The Book of Azariah (literature, writings by Maria Valtorta)
  • Azariah Craulnober (literature, Forgotten Realms franchise)
  • Azariah Greenwold (video games, Requiem for Kingsmouth)
  • Azariah Hogosha (media, Demon Slayer)
  • Azariah (media, Adventures in Odyssey)
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