

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Bailee is a modern baby girl’s name that is derived from both English and French. In English, Bailee means “bailiff”. In French, Bailee means “dance”. Bailee, like variant spelling Bailey, was one of the first -lee ending names to gain popularity in the 90s and it remains in the top 1000 as of 2020.

Meaning of the name Bailee:

English: bailiff
French: dance

Origin of the name Bailee:

Bailee is a modern baby girl’s name of English and French origin. In English, Bailee means “bailiff” which is a type of law enforcement officer. From French, Bailee comes from the French term “baile” which means “dance”. This is where the term ballet comes from.

Symbolism of the name Bailee:

Bailee is related to the French term for dance and, through that, ballet. Ballet is an elegant, traditional style of dance that is famous around the world.

Style of the name Bailee:


Gender of the name Bailee:

Bailee is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Bailee:


Number of syllables in the name Bailee:


Emotion evoked from the name Bailee:

Bailee evokes feelings of beauty and grace.

Alternative spellings for the name Bailee:

Bailey, Baileigh, Bailie, Baylee, Bayleigh, Baylie, Bayley, Bailley, Baily

Nicknames for the name Bailee:

Popularity of the name Bailee:

According to the Social Security Administration, Bailee is a popular baby girl’s name. Bailee has been in the top 1000 since 1994. It peaked at #407 in 1997.

Related names for the name Bailee:

Great middle names for the name Bailee and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Bailee:

  • Bailee Madison (American actress)
  • Bailee Ann (American musical artist)
  • Bailee MyKell (American actress)
  • Bailee Field (daughter of actress Kate Garven and Ben Field)

Bailee in popular culture:

  • Bailee Coe (media, “Kelsey Sims Challenge”)
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