

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Braedon is a name with numerous spelling variations. This option is one of the least common, with Brayden and Braydon outranking it on the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2022, Braedon is only a top 2,700 option for boys.

Meaning of the name Braedon:

Irish: salmon

Origin of the name Braedon:

Braedon is a spelling variation of the baby name Braden. Braden was originally an Irish surname and, more specifically, the anglicized version of O'Bradain. O'Bradain came from the byname Bradan. Bradan is also a word meaning “salmon” in Gaelic. Braedon and its spelling variations became popular in America in the late twentieth century because of similar-sounding titles like Aiden and Hayden.

Symbolism of the name Braedon:

Braedon has the same meaning as the original, Braden. Braden dates back to the Irish surname O'Bradain. O'Bradain is a play on Bradan, a byname that comes from the word for “salmon.”

Style of the name Braedon:


Gender of the name Braedon:

Braedon is a wholesome name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Braedon:

BRAY-den or BRAY-dun

Number of syllables in the name Braedon:


Emotion evoked from the name Braedon:

Braedon is a kindhearted and youthful name for boys. It is wholesome and noble.

Alternative spellings for the name Braedon:

Nicknames for the name Braedon:

  • Bray
  • Bray Bray
  • Brady 
  • Bradie
  • Bradi
  • Don 
  • Donnie
  • Donny

Popularity of the name Braedon:

Braedon was first a top 1,000 baby name in America in 1999 at rank 901. It stayed on the top 1,000 list until 2009 at number 923. Braedon did best in 2004 at rank 713. Braedon is a top 2,700 option as of 2022 at rank 2,673.

Related names for the name Braedon:

Great middle names for Braedon and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Braedon:

Braedons in popular culture:

  • Braedon Keller (character from “Scanners”)
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