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Brynleigh is a modern and unique name that comes from an English surname. It is mostly for girls and has many other spelling variations, including Brinley and Brynlee. Brynleigh is the least popular of all the options on the top 900 list, making it more unique.

Meaning of the name Brynleigh:

English: burnt meadow

Origin of the name Brynleigh:

Brynleigh is an alternative spelling of the original baby name Brynlee. The latter is a combination name that comes from the name “Bryn” with the suffix “lee.” Ultimately, however, the name could also originate from Brinley which was once an English surname related to families from a town of the same name.

Symbolism of the name Brynleigh:

Brynleigh may come from a combination name, but in reality, it likely comes from the English surname Brinley. This name means “burnt meadow” as this was the meaning that the town had with the same name.

Style of the name Brynleigh:


Gender of the name Brynleigh:

Brynleigh is a trendy baby name for girls or boys. It is more commonly associated with girls, however.

Pronunciation of the name Brynleigh:


Number of syllables in the name Brynleigh:


Emotion evoked from the name Brynleigh:

Brynleigh is trendy and cool. It is modern, and the spelling gives it a unique vibe.

Alternative spellings for the name Brynleigh:

Nicknames for the name Brynleigh:

  • Leigh
  • Bryn
  • Bry
  • Brynny
  • Brynnie
  • Lee 

Popularity of the name Brynleigh:

Brynleigh has only been on the top 1,000 list for two years in modern times. It first appeared in 2018 at rank 911. The name was not a top 1,000 option in 2019, but in 2020, it was rank 884.

Related names for the name Brynleigh:

Great middle names for Brynleigh and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Brynleigh:

There are no known celebrities with the baby name Brynleigh.

Brynleighs in popular culture:

No fictional characters exist with the name Brynleigh.

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