

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Leila is proof that even the oldest names really never go out of style. A name that dates from long before recorded history, this name nevertheless remains popular even today. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Leila:

Hebrew: Night or dark
Arabic: night or dark

Origin of the name Leila:

Leila is a name of Hebrew or Arabic origin that is usually translated as either “night” or “dark”.

Symbolism of the name Leila:

Leila is a name that is typically used to symbolize a child's complexion or her hair color.

Style of the name Leila:


Gender of the name Leila:

Leila is almost exclusively used as a name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Leila:

LIE-la OR LEE-la OR LAY-la

Number of syllables in the name Leila:


Emotion evoked from the name Leila:

Leila tends to evoke emotions of happiness and wistfulness.

Alternative spellings for the name Leila:

Nicknames for the name Leila:

  • Lay
  • La-la
  • Lay-lay

Popularity of the name Leila:

According to the Social Security Administration, Leila last ranked as the 205th most popular name in the United States. The last recorded year was also the most popular year for that name.

Related names for the name Leila:

Great middle names for Leila and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Leila:

  • Leila Movarekhi (Iranian princess)
  • Leila Sobral, (Brazilian basketball player)
  • Leila Lopes (Miss Universe 2011)

Leilas in popular culture:

  • Leila Dalton (character, The Night Prince)
  • Leila Kwan Zimmer (character, Grand Army)
  • Leila (character, Final Fantasy II)
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