

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Jacen is a name that provides for a unique twist on a popular name. Though it's not the most common variant of this name, it is one that carries with it the same meaning. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Jacen:

Greek: Healer
English: The Lord is my salvation.

Origin of the name Jacen:

Jacen is a name of Greek origin that means “healer” as well as a name of English origin that means “the Lord is my salvation”.

Symbolism of the name Jacen:

Jacen tends to be a name that symbolizes the hope of a family that a child will be cared for and healthy.

Style of the name Jacen:


Gender of the name Jacen:

Jacen is a name that is almost exclusively used for baby boys.

Pronunciation of the name Jacen:


Number of syllables in the name Jacen:


Emotion evoked from the name Jacen:

Jacen tends to evoke emotions related to tranquility and respect in those who view the name.

Alternative spellings for the name Jacen:

Nicknames for the name Jacen:

  • Jay
  • Jay-jay

Popularity of the name Jacen:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jacen has never ranked as one of the top 1000 most popular baby names in the United States.

Related names for the name Jacen:

Great middle names for Jacen and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jacen:

  • Jacen Burrows (American comic artist)

Jacens in popular culture:

  • Jacen Solo (character, Star Wars novels)
  • Jacen Syndulla (character, Star Wars Rebels)
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