

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Joceline started out as a masculine name from old French, Josceline, modeled after an old Germanic tribe from southern Sweden and northern Europe.

Meaning of the name Joceline

Hebrew: Supplanter
French: Neutral

Origin of the name Joceline


Symbolism of the name Joceline

Joceline is full of high inspirations. She is honest, determined, and courageous. She also enjoys being a leader for the cause. She is always looking for a chance to do her own thing and be her own person.

Style of the name Joceline


Gender of the name Joceline

Joceline is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Joceline


Number of syllables in the name Joseline


Emotion evoked from the name Joseline

Joceline is on a quest for higher truth. She is highly intuitive with inspired wisdom and inherited analytical ability. She has a strong sense of independence and wants to lead and excel. She has a hidden motive of self-acceptance in everything she does.

Alternative spellings for the name Joceline

Nicknames for the name Joceline

  • Jo
  • Lyn 
  • Joci
  • Joss
  • Jose
  • Jolyn
  • Selyn
  • Cellie

Popularity of the name Joceline

Joceline came onto the charts in the late 1980s. Around 1992, the popularity of the name started to rise rapidly and maxed out in 1993. In 2001, it dipped down again but shot back up around 2007. It has been slowly declining since then.

Related names for the name Joceline

Great middle names for Joceline and their meanings

Famous people with the name Joceline

There were no famous celebrities with the name Joceline spelled in that way.

Jocelines in popular culture

There are no popular Joceline's in popular culture spelled in that way.

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