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The baby name Lyn is the perfect unisex name if you have a Linda or a Lyndon in your family. It is a great way to give these ancestors respect while offering your child a modern twist. Though not a top 1,000 baby name, Lyn still has a sweet and simple sound.

Meaning and Origin of the name Lyn:

Lyn is an English name for girls or boys and is of Welsh origin meaning “lake,” “pretty,” or “linden tree hill.”

Lyn is a variation of the original spelling Lynn. There are a few different possible origins and meanings for Lyn. Most believe that it began as a surname in England that came from the Welsh word llyn (meaning “lake”). Lyn may be short for Linda, which means “pretty.” It may also be a nickname for Lyndon, which means “linden tree hill.” The name only found use among girls in the 1900s. In modern times, it can even be a shortened form of Linda or Lyndon, depending on the gender.

Symbolism of the name Lyn:

The most common meaning for Lyn is “lake.” Lakes are sacred in Celtic mythology and are often signs of life, rejuvenation, and fertility. The linden tree is symbolic for truth, love, fertility, and good luck. The Celts and the Germans believed that truth was found in the shade of this tree. In German mythology, the linden tree was associated with the goddess Freya, who was the goddess of truth and love.

Nicknames for the name Lyn:

Even though Lyn is a very short name, there is a vast array of nickname options. Lyn is a very sweet-sounding name. The nicknames for Lyn are cute. Take a look at the list we put together below. You're sure to find a cute nickname you like.

  • Lynnie
  • Lynni
  • Lynee
  • Lyndi
  • Lyndie
  • Lyndee
  • Lyna
  • Lili
  • Ly

Style of the name Lyn:


Gender of the name Lyn:

Lyn is a baby name for boys or girls, but spellings with a y are more popular among girls.

Pronunciation of the name Lyn:


Number of syllables in the name Lyn:


Emotion evoked from the name Lyn:

Lyn feels simple, informal, and natural. It is a common name perfect for any humble family.

Alternative spellings for the name Lyn:

  • Lynn 
  • Len
  • Lin
  • Lenn
  • Linn

Popularity of the name Lyn:

Lyn was a top 1,000 baby name in America from 1939 at rank 985 to 1969 at rank 989. This baby name was most popular in 1953 at number 534. Lynn is much more popular, however, lasting on the top 1,000 list until 1996. Len also lasted on the top 1,000 list until 1971.

Great middle names for Lyn and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lyn:

  • Lyn Ashley (actress, “Quest for Love”)
  • Lyn Brown (MP in Britain)
  • Lyn Collingwood (actress, “Annie's Coming Out”)
  • Lyn Hejinian (poet)
  • Lyn (character from “Fire Emblem”)



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