

Baby Boy Names


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Baby Names




Kalen Kalen is a great example of how the meaning of a name might change over time. The traits that Kalen once described might have been desirable in their original context, but the meaning of the name has definitely evolved. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Kalen:

Gaelic: Slender or fair

Origin of the name Kalen:

Kalen is a name of Gaelic origin that means “slender” or “fair”.

Symbolism of the name Kalen:

Kalen tends to symbolize a general hope that a boy will be handsome and, in many cases, even-tempered.

Style of the name Kalen:


Gender of the name Kalen:

Kalen is almost always used as a name for a baby boy, but there are at least a few notable exceptions.

Pronunciation of the name Kalen:


Number of syllables in the name Kalen:


Emotion evoked from the name Kalen:

Kalen tends to evoke emotions of happiness and contentment.

Alternative spellings for the name Kalen:

Nicknames for the name Kalen:

Popularity of the name Kalen:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kalen last ranked as one of the most popular names for baby boys in 1998, when it was the 859th most popular name. Kalen reached the peak of its popularity that same year.

Related names for the name Kalen:

Great middle names for Kalen and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kalen:

  • Kalen Ballage (American football player)
  • Kalen DeBoer (American football coach)
  • Kalen Porter (Canadian singer)

Kalens in popular culture:

  • Kalen (character from The Bone Witch)
  • Kalen LeRoux (character from Muted)
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