

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Kaylin is a cute baby name that is modern and full of life. It is fresh and new in comparison to names like Kayla or Kay. Ever since the late twentieth century, the name has been on the top 1,000 list, except for the year 2020.

Meaning of the name Kaylin:

American: pure

Origin of the name Kaylin:

Kaylin is a modern baby name that has an American basis. Many believe that it comes from other K names like Kay, Kayla, or even Kaylyn, as it was originally spelled. When considering the origin that comes from the baby name Kay, it is a combination name as the suffix “-lin” was added to it.

Symbolism of the name Kaylin:

Kaylin means “pure” as it retains the meaning of Kay, Kayla, and more. These names originate back to the Middle Ages when Katherine, which originally meant pure, was popular.

Style of the name Kaylin:


Gender of the name Kaylin:

Kaylin is a feminine and modern baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Kaylin:


Number of syllables in the name Kaylin:


Emotion evoked from the name Kaylin:

Kaylin has both a feminine and young feel. It is a fun name that feels cool and up-to-date.

Alternative spellings for the name Kaylin:

Nicknames for the name Kaylin:

Popularity of the name Kaylin:

Kaylin has declined some in the past few years, but it was on the top 400 list from 2007 to 2010. Kaylin did not rank on the top 1,000 list in 2020, but it ranked at number 993 in 2019. It was first put on the top 1,000 list in 1987 at rank 990.

Related names for the name Kaylin:

Great middle names for Kaylin and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kaylin:

  • Kaylin Garcia (reality TV star, “Love & Hip Hop”)
  • Kaylin Irvine (Olympic speed skater)
  • Kaylin Richardson (Olympic skier)
  • Kaylin Whitney (sprinter)
  • Kaylin Andres (reality TV star, “World of Jenks”)

Kaylins in popular culture:

  • Kaylin Neya (character from “The Chronicles of Elantra”)
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