

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Names X


Nira is a beautiful baby name with a unique sound. It has multicultural origins, though most use the Jewish and Hebrew background. As of 2021, Nira is a top 3,000 option.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Nira:

Most agree that the baby name Nira is the feminine form of Nir. Nir was an option for boys that meant “plowed field” or “light”. Some believe that it is a Latvian name that comes from the word “nira”. Finally, there are theories that Nira is a Japanese name that comes from the words “ni” and “ra”. The name can also mean “goldeneye, grebe” in Latvian, or “near silk” in Japanese.

Symbolism of the Name Nira:

The baby name Nira means “light” or “plowed field” in Hebrew because of the baby boy option, Nir. Nira means “goldeneye” or “grebe” in Latvian as it comes from the word “nira.” In Japanese, it means “near silk” as the word “ni” means “near,” and “ra” means “thin silk.”

Nicknames for the Name Nira:

Looking for great nicknames for Nira? Look no further than our list:

  • Ni
  • Nini
  • Niry
  • Niri
  • Nirie
  • Niree
  • Ray 
  • Ra
  • Ra-Ra
  • Ras
  • Nirs

Style of the Name Nira:


Gender of the Name Nira:

Nira is a strong name for girls.

Pronunciation of the Name Nira:


Number of Syllables in the Name Nira:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Nira:

Nira is classical and unique. It has a delicacy and beauty to it.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Nira:

  • Neira
  • Neirah
  • Nirah
  • Neera
  • Neerah
  • Nyra 
  • Nyrah

Popularity of the Name Nira:

Nira only has one year on the Social Security Popularity Index. It was a top 500 name in 1933 at rank 463. It is a top 3,000 name as of 2021 at rank 2,845.

Great Middle Names for Nira and Their Meanings:

  • Shiloh (God's gift)
  • Marlene (star of the sea, high tower)
  • Gail (father's joy, father in rejoicing, happy God)
  • Judith (woman from Judea)
  • Adeline (noble, nobility)
  • Jaimie (may God protect, holder of the heel)
  • Jordan (to flow down, to descend)
  • Rachelle (ewe, female sheep)

Famous People with the Name Nira:

  • Nira Park (film producer, “Shaun of the Dead”)
  • Nira Nira (character from “Xenoblade Chronicles”)
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