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Shyanne is a name that proves the popularity of spelling names phonetically. Though pronounced identically to a more popular name, it is arguably still easier to read. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Shyanne:

Lakota: People of a different language.

Origin of the name Shyanne:

Shyanne is a name of Lakota origin meaning “people of a different language”.

Symbolism of the name Shyanne:

Shyanne typically symbolizes a hope that a daughter will grow to be strong and independent.

Style of the name Shyanne:


Gender of the name Shyanne:

Shyanne is almost always used as a name for a baby girl.

Pronunciation of the name Shyanne:


Number of syllables in the name Shyanne:


Emotion evoked from the name Shyanne:

Shyanne typically evokes the kind of emotions that are related to nostalgia as well as those related to longing.

Alternative spellings for the name Shyanne:

Nicknames for the name Shyanne:

Popularity of the name Shyanne:

According to the Social Security Administration, Shyanne last ranked as one of the one thousand most popular baby names in the United States in 2010 as the 931st most popular baby name. It peaked in popularity in 1997 as the 482nd most popular name.

Related names for the name Shyanne:

Great middle names for Shyanne and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Shyanne:

  • Shyanne Rippee (American model)
  • Shyanne Escada (American reality TV personality)
  • Shyanne Sanders (British actress)

Shyannes in popular culture:

  • Shyanne Holden (character in the TV show Blackpool)
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