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Baby Names




Dakota is a modern English unisex baby name that comes from the name of a Native American tribe. Dakota has been equally popular for boys and girls since it first became popular in the late 80’s but has dropped in popularity in recent years.

Meaning of the name Dakota:

Sioux: allies, friendly one

Origin of the name Dakota:

Dakota is a modern English baby name that comes from the name of a Native American people from the Mississippi Valley. In the Dakota language the word means “allies or friendly ones”.

Symbolism of the name Dakota:

The name Dakota brings to mind the beautiful landscape of the Great Plains of midwestern states North and South Dakota.

Style of the name Dakota:


Gender of the name Dakota:

Dakota is a name for both boys and girls.

Pronunciation of the name Dakota:


Number of syllables in the name Dakota:


Emotion evoked from the name Dakota:

Dakota evokes feelings of friendliness and respect.

Alternative spellings for the name Dakota:


Nicknames for the name Dakota:

Popularity of the name Dakota:

According to the Social Security Administration, Dakota is a unisex baby name that has been popular since the mid 1980’s. As a boy’s name it peaked at #56 in 1995. As a girl’s name it peaked at #190 in 2006.

Related names for the name Dakota:

Great middle names for the name Dakota and their meanings:



Famous people with the name Dakota:

  • Dakota Fanning (American actress)
  • Dakota Bradley (American country music singer)
  • Dakota Servold (American professional skateboarder)
  • Dakota Cochrane (American mixed martial artist)
  • Dakota Goyo (Canadian Actor)

Dakotas in popular culture:

  • Dakota Whitney (television, “The X Files: I Want to Believe”)
  • Dakota (song by A Rocket to the Moon)
  • Dakota Condor (television, “Sonny with a Chance”)
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