

Baby Girl Names


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When you think of the name Sue these days, a certain Johnny Cash song probably comes to mind, but up until the early 1980s, it was a fairly popular name for girls in the United States. As a one-syllable name, it also makes for a great middle name. However, you just don't hear it much anymore. Technically, Sue began as a nickname for Susan before becoming a given name in its own right. It has biblical origins and actually has a nature meaning.

Meaning of the name Sue:

Hebrew: Lily flower
Egyptian: Lotus flower
Persian: Lily flower

Origin of the name Sue:

Sue is derived from Susan, which is a name with Hebrew, Egyptian, and Persian origins. In Egyptian, the name is thought to mean “lotus flower.” In Persian and Hebrew, it means “lily flower.” Susan is derived from the Hebrew “Shoshana.” Some people have assigned the name to mean “flower” in general.

Symbolism of the name Sue:

Sue is a name associated with flowers, so nature lovers may find symbolism there. Lilies are thought to symbolize purity and rebirth and are often associated with the Virgin Mary and the restriction of Christ, so parents of faith may find meaning there. The lotus flower can also be a symbol of purity, strength, and rebirth.

Style of the name Sue:


Gender of the name Sue:

Sue is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Sue:


Number of syllables in the name Sue:


Emotion evoked from the name Sue:

The baby name Sue evokes images of someone who is optimistic and enjoys taking charge. She is often a great leader.

Alternative spellings for the name Sue:

  • Su
  • Soo
  • Sioux

Nicknames for the name Sue:


Popularity of the name Sue:

According to the Social Security Administration, Sue was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States up until 1984. It was most popular during the 1940s when it ranked in the top 100. Sue last ranked at number 987 in 1984.

Related names for the name Sue:

Great middle names for Sue and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Sue:

  • Sue Lyon (actress)
  • Sue Perkins (comedian)
  • Sue Barker (tennis player and TV host)
  • Sue Monroe (actress)
  • Sue Monk Kidd (author)

Sue in popular culture:

  • Sue Sylvester (character on the TV show “Glee”)
  • Sue Sue Heck (character on the TV show “The Middle”)
  • Sue Brockman (character on the TV show “Outnumbered”)
  • Sue Ellen Ewing (character from the TV show “Dallas”)
  • Susan “Sue” Dearbon Dibny (character from the DC Comics universe)
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