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Baby Names




Sydney is a unisex baby name but has been far more common as a feminine name since the 1960’s. Sydney was in the top 100 girl’s names from 1994 to 2013.

Meaning of the name Sydney:

English: wide island
French: Saint Denis

Origin of the name Sydney:

Sydney has origins in both French and Old English. As a French name, Sydney is a feminine name meaning “Saint Denis”. As an English name, it is derived from Old English sid “wide” and eg “island”.

Symbolism of the name Sydney:

An island symbolizes refuge and peace in the middle of chaos. It is the calm in the eye of the storm.

Style of the name Sydney:

traditional and modern

Gender of the name Sydney:

Sydney is a name that is used for both boys and girls, though it's more common as a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Sydney:


Number of syllables in the name Sydney:


Emotion evoked from the name Sydney:

Sydney evokes feelings of adventure and creativity.

Alternative spellings for the name Sydney:

Sidney, Cydney, Sydnie, Sydne, Sidonie

Nicknames for the name Sydney:

  • Syd
  • Sy
  • Don 
  • Donny

Popularity of the name Sydney:

According to the Social Security Administration, Sydney is a unisex baby name. As a boy’s name, it was at peak popularity in 1914 and disappeared from the top 1000 in 1967. As a girl’s name, Sydney has been in the top 1000 since 1932 and peaked in the top 100 between 1994 and 2013.

Related names for the name Sydney:

Great middle names for the name Sydney and their meanings:



Famous people with the name Sydney:

  • Sydney Owenson (Irish novelist)
  • Sydney Poitier (American actress)
  • Sydney Sierotalead (American musician)
  • Sydney Stevenson (English actress)

Sydneys in popular culture:

  • Sydney Andrews (television, “Melrose Place”)
  • Sydney “Syd” Barrett (television, “Legion”)
  • Sydney Bristow (television, “Alias”)
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