

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Tyisha is a unique and invented baby name. Tyisha is also a name that has crossed cultures around the world. Keep reading if you want to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Tyisha:

Arabic for “living, alive”.

Origin of the name Tyisha:

Tyisha is an invented name that has Arabic roots. This is because the name Tyisha stems from the Arabic name “Aisha”, a name that wasn’t used widely in the U.S. until the 1970s. There is no set time when Tyisha was created though.

Symbolism of the name Tyisha:

When it comes to symbolism and the baby name Tyisha, there’s a nice connection to life itself. Tyisha can also have a strong relation to green since many Muslim areas of the world associate the color with life and nature.

Style of the name Tyisha:


Gender of the name Tyisha:

The name Tyisha is typically used for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Tyisha:


Number of syllables in the name Tyisha:


Emotion evoked from the name Tyisha:

Tyisha is a pleasingly unique name that that feels invigorating, happy, and creative.

Alternative spellings for the name Tyisha:

Nicknames for the name Tyisha:

Popularity of the name Tyisha:

According to the Social Security Index, Tyisha has not made it into the top 1000 of popular baby names for girls.

Related names for the name Tyisha:

Great middle names for Tyisha and their meanings:

  • Erica (eternal ruler)
  • Alma (nurturing, soul)
  • Payton (fighting man’s estate)
  • Malika (master)
  • Annabel (loving)
  • Valerie (strength, health)
  • Kamari (moonlight)
  • Sawyer (woodcutter)

Famous people with the name Tyisha:

Tyisha is not a popular name used among famous people.

Tyishas in movies/pop culture:

Tyisha does not appear to be a widely used baby name in pop culture.

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