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Two month old, boy and girl fraternal twin babies. They are sleeping and swaddled together in pink and blue wraps that are tied together in a bow.


Vianney is a unisex French name that means “alive, lively”. Vianney was originally a French surname that derives from the name Viennet. Vianney is uncommon in the US, but it has all the continental charm to become popular in the near future.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Vianney:

Vianney is a unisex French name that means “alive, lively”. It is a French surname that derives from Viennet, a diminutive of Vien and Vivian.

Symbolism of the Name Vianney:

Saint John Vianney was a French Catholic priest who was canonized in 1925. He is the patron saint of parish priests.

Nicknames for the Name Vianney:

Vianney is a very pretty name! Take a careful look at each of the nicknames we've picked for Vianney:

Style of the Name Vianney:


Gender of the Name Vianney:

Vianney is a unisex baby name.

Pronunciation of the Name Vianney:

VYA-NEH (French), BYA-nay (Spanish)

Number of Syllables in the Name Vianney:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Vianney:

Vianney evokes feelings of liveliness and friendship.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Vianney:

Vianey, Viannei, Bianney, Viannie, Vianie, Viany, Vianny

Popularity of the Name Vianney:

According to the Social Security Administration, Vianney is an uncommon unisex baby name. It has never appeared in the top 1,000 baby names list in the US.

Great Middle Names for the Name Vianney and Their Meanings:


  • Livio (envious)
  • Simon (he has heard, flat-nosed)
  • Hugo (mind, intellect)
  • Gabin (of Gabium)
  • Victor (victory)
  • Enzo (from Laurentium)
  • Augustin (great, magnificent)
  • Alexandre (defending men)


  • Zelie (noble)
  • Margot (pearl)
  • Victoire (victory)
  • Leonie (lion)
  • Ines (pure, virginal)
  • Lea (weary)
  • Ambre (amber)
  • Marie (drop of the sea, bitter, pearl)

Famous People with the Name Vianney:

  • Vianney Bureau (French singer-songwriter)
  • Vianney Décarie (Canadian philosopher)
  • Vyanney Guyonnet (French singer)
  • Vianney Mabidé (Central African footballer)
  • John Vianney (French Catholic saint)
  • Saint-Vianney (municipality in Quebec, Canada)
  • Vianney Soubrette (television, “Ensemble Mew Mew”)
  • Vianney BluePhoenix (video games, “Artix Entertainment”)
  • Vianney Ferrand (media, “Pokemon” series)
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