

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Girl Names That Mean Space

Girl Names That Mean Space

Girl Names That Mean Space

Whether these girl names that mean space have that literal meaning or simply give nod to the great beyond, each is beautiful, feminine and strong. Explore this list and find the perfect name for your little girl.

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Space

  • AylinPronounced EYE-lin, Aylin is a feminine name from Turkey. It has a beautiful spelling and even more beautiful meaning: “moon halo.”
  • Cordelia – Cordelia comes from the Celtic name Creiddylad meaning “jewel of the sea.” Since it's also a moon of Uranus, however, you can pluck this name out of the ocean and put it into the sky.
  • EstherEsther means “star” in ancient Persian. It's a bit vintage, but it has an old-fashioned charm to it.
  • Phoebe – Meaning “radiant” or “shining one,” Phoebe is derived from the Greek word phoibos meaning “bright.” If she glows like the sun, this is the name for her.
  • LunaBeautiful and just a bit mysterious, Luna means “moon” in Latin. It's a popular baby name for girls from parents who want to give their daughter a celestial blessing.
  • HildaMeaning “battle woman” in German, Hilda is also associated with female Valkyrie warriors, and it's the name of a group of asteroids known as the Hildas.
  • StellaStella means “star” in Latin, so it's a bright but straightforward name. You could also consider alternatives like Estella.
  • Meissa Meissa is an Arabic name that means “shining one.” You can consider it Melissa with an astronomical twist.
  • Sitara Hailing from Indian and Sanskrit, Sitara means alternatively “star,” “starlight,” or “morning star.” It'll be a shining name for a shining baby girl.
  • Helene Helene is one of Jupiter's moons, so it has a connection to space even though it's a normal, non-crazy kind of name. The extra “e” on the end gives it a unique twist, however.
  • DawnDawn is a gentle and peaceful name that you can give to a daughter who lights up your life like the morning sun. Coincidentally, it was also the name of a NASA mission in 2007.
  • Rheita Utterly unique, Rheita is the name of a crater on the surface of the moon. Your daughter will always have an interesting story to tell when someone asks about her name!
  • Nashira Meaning “the bearer of good news,” Nashira is a gentle Arabic name that also just so happens to be a star in the Capricorn constellation.
  • HaileyIf your daughter has come into your life like a shooting star, it might be fitting to name her after Hailey's Comet. It'll also be a fun name in 2061 when the comet becomes visible from Earth again.
  • Roxana Roxana means either “dawn” or “little star” in ancient Persian. If you want to jazz up the name Roxanne, this could be a fine choice.
  • CelesteCeleste doesn't quite mean “space,” but it does mean “of the heavens.” You may recognize it from the word “celestial.”
  • PortiaWith old-fashioned glamor, Portia could be a standout name for a little girl. It's also one of the moons of Uranus and a famous female character from Shakespeare.
  • LyraLyra comes from the Latin word for “harp,” and it's also a famous constellation. One of its stars, Vega, is among the brightest in the night sky.
  • Adhara Pronounced ahd-AR-uh, Adhara is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. She's also a symbol on the Brazilian flag, which could be a nod to your culture if you're from the region.
  • Csilla – Sleek and beautiful, Csilla derives from the Hungarian word csillag meaning “star.”
  • Starling Starling is actually a species of bird rather than a space name for girls. However, it certainly sounds the part, doesn't it?
  • Cassiopeia This uniquely gorgeous name has its roots in Greek mythology where Cassiopeia reigned as a queen. It's also the name of a constellation in the northern sky.
  • Galatea Galatea will be a powerful and majestic name for a daughter. It encompasses all of the night sky as well as the universe beyond it.
  • Yvaine Hailing from Scotland, Yvaine means “evening star.” You can consider it the opposite of names meaning “dawn” or “morning star.”
  • Chandra Chandra is the moon goddess in Hindu mythology. Though it's waned in popularity in recent years, it used to be a highly blessed and fortuitous name, and you can bring it back for your little girl.

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