

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Carole is a variation of the more popular Carol. Both options date back to one of the most popular options for boys, Charles. As of 2021, Carole is extremely rare and on the top 25,000 list.

Meaning of the name Carole:

French: free man
English: free man

Origin of the name Carole:

Carole is the French version of Carol. It is also the feminine variation of Carolus. Carolus is the Latin version of Charles, which comes from the Germanic Karl. Karl was also a Germanic word that translates to “man” in English. Charles became popular in Europe, spreading throughout the world. Eventually, it created multicultural variants like Carolus in Latin traditions.

Symbolism of the name Carole:

Carole has the same meaning as Carol. Both eventually date back to Charles, which comes from the Germanic Karl. Karl translates to “man,” giving Carole the meaning of “free man.”

Style of the name Carole:


Gender of the name Carole:

Carole is a vintage-sounding name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Carole:


Number of syllables in the name Carole:


Emotion evoked from the name Carole:

Carole is a mature and vintage baby name. It is formal and wholesome.

Alternative spellings for the name Carole:

Nicknames for the name Carole:

  • Caro
  • Care
  • Role
  • Carrie
  • Carry
  • Cary

Popularity of the name Carole:

Carole was first a top 1,000 name in America in 1913 at rank 962. It moved to the top 100 list from 1934 to 1946, ranking highest in 1942 at number 35. Carole was last on the top 1,000 list in 1977 at rank 932. As of 2021, it is only a top 25,000 option at number 24,364.

Related names for the name Carole:

Great middle names for Carole and their meanings:

  • Gail (a father's joy, happy God)
  • Beatrice (voyager, blessed, she who brings joy)
  • Evelyn (wished for child)
  • Moriah (the hill country, God is my teacher)
  • Constance (constancy, steadfastness)
  • Jolene (pretty)
  • Janae (God is gracious)
  • Leonie (lion)

Famous people with the name Carole:

  • Carole King (singer, songwriter)
  • Carole Lombard (actress, “My Mad Godfrey”)
  • Carole Radziwill (reality TV star, “Real Housewives of New York”)
  • Carole Landis (actress, “Moon Over Miami”)
  • Carole Middleton (mother of the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine)
  • Carole Mathews (actress, “Swamp Women”)
  • Carole Bouquet (actress, “For Your Eyes Only”)
  • Carole Sager (songwriter)

Caroles in popular culture:

  • Carole Hanson (character from “The Saddle Club”)
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