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Hiram is a unique and rare name choice used for boys. The name Hiram also stems from an ancient and extinct language. Keep reading to discover more information about the name.

Meaning of the name Hiram:

Phoenician for “exalted brother”.
Hebrew for “high-born”.

Origin of the name Hiram:

Hiram comes from the dead language of Phoenician. This gives the name Hiram Ancient Hebrew origins with different spellings in Hebrew, Standard Hebrew, and Tiberian Hebrew.

Symbolism of the name Hiram:

Hiram has a connection Phoenician kings, giving the baby name a relation to royalty. At the same time, Hiram also holds a biblical relationship, giving it some religious symbolism too.

Style of the name Hiram:


Gender of the name Hiram:

The baby name Hiram is typically used as a masculine name.

Pronunciation of the name Hiram:


Number of syllables in the name Hiram:


Emotion evoked from the name Hiram:

Hiram is a baby name full of power and strength, evoking the feeling of awe.

Alternative spellings for the name Hiram:

  • Hyram
  • Hirom

Nicknames for the name Hiram:

Popularity of the name Hiram:

According to information by the Social Security Administration, the baby name Hiram has seen some modest popularity. In 1905, Hiram ranked as high as #269 on the top 1000 list of popular baby names.

Related names for the name Hiram:

Great middle names for Hiram and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Hiram:

  • Hiram Law Bullock (American jazz guitarist)
  • Hiram Sherman (American actor)
  • Hiram King Williams (real name for American country singer Hank Williams)

Hirams in movies/pop culture:

  • Hiram Burrows (character in the video game “Dishonored”)
  • Hiram Lodge (a character in the “Archie Comics”)
  • Hiram Wolfe (the character in the cartoon show “Rocko’s Modern Life”)
  • Hiram “Brains” Hackenbacker (a character in the TV show “Thunderbirds”)
  • Hiram McDaniels (a character in the podcast “Welcome to Night Vale”)
  • Hiram Worchester (the character in the book series “Wild Cards”)
  • Hiram “Hymie” (a baby character in the TV show “Shameless”)
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