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Baby Names




Blakelee is an adorable name for a boy or girl that comes from the Old English surname, Blakely. The former name is slightly more popular for girls, however. It has not yet been on the top 1,000 list, but it is a top 3,000 option.

Meaning of the name Blakelee:

English: dark wood, clearing

Origin of the name Blakelee:

The baby name Blakelee is a spelling variation of the original, Blakely. The latter began as a surname in the Middle Ages in England. It came from the Old English words “blaec” and “leah.”

Symbolism of the name Blakelee:

The baby name Blakelee could mean “dark wood” because “blaec” means “black.” It could also mean clearing, however, as the Old English word “leah” translates to “woodland clearing.”

Style of the name Blakelee:

Modern as a first name, traditional as a surname

Gender of the name Blakelee:

Blakelee is a modern and unisex name for boys or girls.

Pronunciation of the name Blakelee:


Number of syllables in the name Blakelee:


Emotion evoked from the name Blakelee:

Blakelee feels modern and informal. It is a youthful and simple name for boys or girls.

Alternative spellings for the name Blakelee:

  • Blakely
  • Blakeleigh
  • Blakelei
  • Blakeley 
  • Blakeli
  • Blakelie

Nicknames for the name Blakelee:

Popularity of the name Blakelee:

Blakelee has not yet been a top 1,000 name. In 2019, however, it jumped up for girls, becoming closer to the Social Security top 1,000 baby names. As of 2021, it has descended a bit, ranking at number 2,636.

Related names for the name Blakelee:

Great middle names for Blakelee and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Blakelee:

No celebrities currently have the baby name, Blakelee.

Blakelees in popular culture:

There are currently no pop culture references to the baby name Blakelee.

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