

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



Smiling infant with white Pomeraniann


The name Cash is fairly modern and trendy, but it was used as a given name as far back as the 1800s. However, it didn't take off in the United States until 2003, and it's been a huge hit ever since. The baby boy name is beloved by celebrities, particularly those in the music industry looking for a connection to the legendary Johnny Cash. And while its origins aren't 100 percent certain, there is no doubt that the name evokes a rustic, country image.

Meaning and Origin of the name Cash:

Cash is an English boy's name of Latin origin meaning “box maker” or “money box.”

There are several ideas surrounding the origin of the name Cash as a given name. One of the most common is that it started as an occupational English surname for someone who was a box or chest maker. It is derived from the Old English word cashe (meaning “box chest to keep wares in”). It comes from the French word casse (meaning “box”), which comes from the Latin word capsa (meaning “box”).

Symbolism of the name Cash:

While the name has several potential origins, the word “cash” means “money in coins or notes” in English. For this reason, some may associate the baby name with wealth.

Nicknames for the name Cash:

Cash is a cute name for boys that is short and sweet. You don't have many options for nicknames because this is such a short name. You do have a few options, though. Take a look at the list below for nickname ideas.

  • Cashie
  • Cashy
  • Ash 

Style of the name Cash:


Gender of the name Cash:

Cash is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Cash:


Number of syllables in the name Cash:


Emotion evoked from the name Cash:

Cash has a rustic feel that evokes the image of a cowboy or rugged man.

Alternative spellings for the name Cash:

  • Kash
  • Kasch

Popularity of the name Cash:

Cash has been a given name since at least the 19th century, but it didn't make the Social Security Administration's list of the top 1,000 names for baby boys until 2003. Since then, it's become more and more popular, and in 2020, it ranked at 265.

Great middle names for Cash and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Cash:

  • Cash Warren (producer)
  • Cash Peters (author)
  • Cash Colligan (musician)
  • Cash Baker (singer)
  • Cash Bundren (character in the book “As I Lay Dying”)
  • Cashin the animated film “The Fox and the Hound 2”)
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