

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Esta is a baby girl’s name of French and English origin that means “star”. This beautiful name has a modern sound to it but it was at peak popularity in the first half of the 20th century that deserves a chance another chance in the spotlight.

Meaning of the name Esta:

French, English: star

Origin of the name Esta:

Esta is a baby girl’s name that means “star”. In French, Esta is a diminutive of the name Estelle. In English, Esta is a variant of the name Esther. Both versions of the name are derived from the name of the Akkadian goddess Ishtar.

Symbolism of the name Esta:

Esta means “star”. Stars are a powerful symbol to many worldwide cultures. Stars symbolize navigation, knowledge, wisdom, and protection. Stars are sacred to many world religions.

Style of the name Esta:


Gender of the name Esta:

Esta is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Esta:


Number of syllables in the name Esta:


Emotion evoked from the name Esta:

Esta evokes feelings of beauty and grace.

Alternative spellings for the name Esta:

Este, Estah, Ehsta

Nicknames for the name Esta:

Popularity of the name Esta:

According to the Social Security Administration, Esta is a popular baby girl’s name. Esta was in the top 1000 baby names list from 1900 to 1940. It peaked in 1902 at #412.

Related names for the name Esta:

Great middle names for the name Esta and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Esta:

  • Esta Spalding (American author, screenwriter and poet)
  • Esta Sterneck (Austrian molecular biologist)
  • Esta TerBlanche (South African actress)
  • Esta Charkham (British television and film producer)
  • Esta Henry (Scottish antiques dealer)

Esta in popular culture:

  • Hester “Esta” Griffiths (literature, “An American Tragedy” by Theodore Dreiser)
  • Esta (television, “One Piece”)
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