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Jalayah is a modern English baby girl’s name that means “hoarfrost” or “dew”. Jalayah comes from the Arabic name Zhaleh. It is an uncommon name that has never been on the top 1000 baby names list. One famous bearer of the name is the American actress Ja'layah Washington.

Meaning of the name Jalayah:

English: dew, hoarfrost

Origin of the name Jalayah:

Jalayah is a modern English baby girl’s name that means “dew” or “hoarfrost”. Jalayah is an elaboration of Jala which is a variant transcription of the Arabic name Zhaleh. Jala is a common Azerbaijani version of the name popular in northern Iran.

Symbolism of the name Jalayah:

Jalayah means “dew” or “hoarfrost”. Hoarfrost is a layer of frozen water vapor formed in clear still weather, usually early in the morning. Dew is similar, only the water is not frozen.

Style of the name Jalayah:


Gender of the name Jalayah:

Jalayah is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Jalayah:

jaw-LEH-uh, zhaw-LEH-uh, JAYL-a-uh

Number of syllables in the name Jalayah:


Emotion evoked from the name Jalayah:

Jalayah evokes feelings of creativity and talent.

Alternative spellings for the name Jalayah:

Jalala, Jalaya, Zhaleyah

Nicknames for the name Jalayah:

Popularity of the name Jalayah:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jalayah is an uncommon baby name. It has never appeared in the top 1000 baby names list.

Related names for the name Jalayah:

Great middle names for the name Jalayah and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jalayah:

  • Ja'layah Washington (American actress)
  • Jalayah Shaw (American tennis player)

Jalayah in popular culture:

  • Jalayah Hackman Foundation (non-profit organization promoting mental health)
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