

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



5 year old


Marlee is a popular girl's name that originated from the unisex Marley. It is a top 500 name option with a cute feel. The origins of this adorable name trace back to the surname Marley from England.

Meaning and Origin of the name Marlee:

Marlee is an adorable spelling variation of the original spelling of Marley. It has English origins and means “pleasant seaside meadow” and “marshy meadow.”

The original spelling of Marley began as a surname in 12th century England that meant “pleasant meadow” or “boundary meadow.” The name did not find use as a first name until the 20th century. The variation Marlee is a cute and unique way of spelling the name. This spelling variation is typically used as a girl's name.

Symbolism of the name Marlee:

Marlee means “pleasant seaside meadow” as it retains the meaning of the surname. It represented families who lived along a boundary of the sea or in a pleasant meadow.

Nicknames for the name Marlee:

Nicknames can make a cute name like Marlee even cuter. It's fun to play around with different nicknames to find the right one for your child. The list below has several fun and quirky options for you to consider. You may choose a nickname that is used only by close family and friends. And, you may choose a different nickname for everyone else to call your child. It's sometimes fun to have a nickname that's only used by people who have a very special bond with your child.

  • Mar
  • MarMar
  • Mars
  • Mary 
  • Marsie
  • Lee 
  • Leelee
  • Lili
  • Marsy
baby name Marlee

Style of the name Marlee:


Gender of the name Marlee:

Marlee is a cute baby name option for females. The original spelling, Marley, is more commonly unisex.

Pronunciation of the name Marlee:


Number of syllables in the name Marlee:


Emotion evoked from the name Marlee:

Marlee feels young, uplifting, and cheerful. It is an informal name that feels welcoming.

Alternative spellings for the name Marlee:

Popularity of the name Marlee:

Marlee has been on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Index since 1992 at rank 907. It moved to the top 500 list in 2013 at rank 471. As of 2020, Marlee is number 430.

Great middle names for Marlee and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Marlee:

  • Marlee Matlin (actress, “Switched at Birth”)
  • Marlee Murphy (reality TV star, “House Rules”)
  • Marlee (character from “Runaway Jury”)
  • Marlee Woodwork (character from “The Selection” series written by Kiera Cass)
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