

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Montserrat is a cultural and unique baby name for girls. It originates from Spanish and Latin cultures, as it is a reference to a mountain near Barcelona. As of 2021, Montserrat is a top 2,800 option for girls.

Meaning of the name Montserrat:

Latin: jagged mountain
Spanish: jagged mountain

Origin of the name Montserrat:

The baby name Montserrat only became a popular option for girls in the last couple of centuries. It comes from the title of a mountain near Barcelona in Spain. It was the site of a popular monastery in the tenth century. The mountain got its name from the Latin phrase “mons serratus.”

Symbolism of the name Montserrat:

The baby name Montserrat translates to “jagged mountain” in Spanish and Latin. As mentioned, Montserrat was originally the title of a mountain near Barcelona in Spain. It comes from the Latin phrase “mons serratus.”

Style of the name Montserrat:


Gender of the name Montserrat:

Montserrat is a cultural baby name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Montserrat:


Number of syllables in the name Montserrat:


Emotion evoked from the name Montserrat:

Montserrat feels cultural and noble. It is a unique and refined option for girls.

Alternative spellings for the name Montserrat:

Nicknames for the name Montserrat:

  • Mona
  • Serra
  • Serrat
  • Montie
  • Money
  • Monty 
  • Mont

Popularity of the name Montserrat:

Montserrat was first a top 1,000 baby name in America in 2014 at rank 573. It only lasted on the Social Security Popularity Index for three years. It was number 814 in 2016. As of 2021, Montserrat is a top 2,800 baby name for girls. It is number 2,737.

Related names for the name Montserrat:

Great middle names for Montserrat and their meanings:

  • Emiliana (rival, to strive, to excel)
  • Adal (noble, precious)
  • Rue (herb, regret)
  • Andrea (manly, virile)
  • Rosalie (rose, beautiful rose)
  • Sheila (blind)
  • Cornelia (strong-willed, wise)
  • Carrine (maiden)

Famous people with the name Montserrat:

Montserrats in popular culture:

  • Montserrat (the name of a mountain near Barcelona, Spain)
  • Montserrat (the name of a Caribbean island)
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