

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



babies hold their head up by 4 months old


Reginald is a classic baby name found in use in various corners of the world. The baby name Reginald also comes with a few different origins. Continue to reading to learn some more facts about the name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Reginald:

Reginald is a classic English name, but it also has Latin roots. The name Reginald is derived from the Latin name “Reginaldus”. From there, that is the Latinized name of an Old German name “Raginald”. So, this gives the baby name Reginald English, Latin, and even Old German roots. The name means “counsel power”.

Symbolism of the Name Reginald:

With the baby name Reginald, there’s an interesting connection to nobility considering its meaning. This helps Reginald signify power, strength, and leadership.

Nicknames for the Name Reginald:

When considering a name for a child, it's important to think about the nicknames that are derived from that name. Here are all of the best nicknames for Reginald:

  • Reggie
  • Reg
  • Reggy
  • Reign 
  • Aldo
  • Alds
  • Alder
  • Gino 
  • Regin
  • Regino
  • Naldo
  • Al
  • R.J.

Style of the Name Reginald:


Gender of the Name Reginald:

The name Reginald is widely used for baby boys.

Pronunciation of the Name Reginald:


Number of Syllables in the Name Reginald:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Reginald:

There is an old-school and regal feel to the baby name Reginald. It has that high-class, formal feel about it that surprisingly comes with some more laidback and fun nicknames.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Reginald:

  • Raginald

Popularity of the Name Reginald:

According to the Social Security Index, there’s information that shows Reginald has made it in the top 1,000 of popular baby boy names from the 1900s to just recently. The name Reginald ranked as high as #118 in 1968. The name last appeared on the list in 2020 at rank 992.

Great Middle Names for Reginald and Their Meanings:

  • Royal (English word name)
  • Major (greater; military rank)
  • Oscar (God spear; champion warrior or deer-lover)
  • Emmett (universal)
  • Crawford (ford where crows gather)
  • Windsor (riverbank with a winch)
  • Otto (wealthy)
  • Alan (handsome, cheerful)

Famous People with the Name Reginald:

  • Reginald Arvizu (American rock musician)
  • Reginald D. Hunter (American-born Britain-based comedian)
  • Reginald Owen (British character actor)
  • Reginald Kenneth Dwight (birth name of English singer Sir Elton John)
  • Reginald(birth name of American rapper, actor, DJ, and producer Redman)
  • Reginald VelJohnson (American actor)

Reginalds in Pop Culture:

  • Reginald (a character in the “Richie Rich” comic books and movie)
  • Reginald “Bubbles” Cousins (character in the TV show “The Wire”)
  • ReginaldForman (the character in the TV show “That 70s Show”)
  • Reginald Deadman (the character in the British TV sitcom “Goodnight Sweetheart”)
  • Reginald Barclay (a character in the “Star Trek” universe)
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