

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Zoee is a unique spelling alternative to the ever-popular Zoey and Zoe. It originates from French culture if you want a more European approach. Zoee has never been a top 1,000 name in America, but it is currently a top 3,000 option.

Meaning of the name Zoee:

Greek: life

Origin of the name Zoee:

Zoee is the French form of the baby name Zoe. Zoe was a translation of Eve made by the Hellenized Jews. The name spread throughout the Byzantine Empire, even used by emperesses. Zoe and its many spelling variations, including Zoee, only came to the English-speaking world in the 1800s.

Symbolism of the name Zoee:

Zoee means “life” because it has the same meaning as the original, Zoe. The latter was actually a cultural variation of Eve, which translates to “life giver.”

Style of the name Zoee:


Gender of the name Zoee:

Zoee is a lively baby name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Zoee:


Number of syllables in the name Zoee:


Emotion evoked from the name Zoee:

Zoee is a unique spelling of a spunky and outgoing name. This option is full of life and kind.

Alternative spellings for the name Zoee:

Nicknames for the name Zoee:

  • Zo
  • Zo Zo
  • Zee
  • Zee Zee
  • Zu Zu
  • Zozee
  • Zobo

Popularity of the name Zoee:

Zoee has no records on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. In 2020, the name was almost a top 3,000 option at rank 2,945. In comparison, Zoey was number 32 for girls in 2020, and Zoe was 41.

Related names for the name Zoee:

Great middle names for Zoee and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Zoee:

No famous people have the baby name Zoee.

Zoees in popular culture:

No fictional characters have the baby name Zoee.

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