I'm a little cheesy, but since I was pregnant with baby #1 I have longed to go to the zoo with her. I would imagine her delightful faces as she looked upon each new animal and I just always knew it would be a magical experience. When she was only a few months old, I remember saying to my husband “I love experiencing all these “firsts” with her! Aren't you so excited for the day we take her to the zoo for the first time?”
He of course had never even thought about it.
Well the day finally came–my friend and I took our toddlers to the zoo. And it was fun, but maybe not quite as “magical” as I imagined in my head. I might have to take her again when she is just a little bit older. She just didn't get into it as much as I thought, and she got more excited over the chickens that were freely roaming the park than the polar bear and monkey that came right up to the glass (maybe because the glass was in the way and she knew she couldn't touch them)?
Anyway, I think my friend and I had more fun than our kids, but here's some pictures anyway (and a free printable at the end of the post)…

And here's my all time favorite candid moment:

Zoo Bingo Printable
Our toddlers aren't quite old enough for this, but for those of you with kids of various ages, here's a free printable for zoo bingo. Enjoy! You could make things fun by having a fun surprise or snack once everyone gets BINGO or blackout, then the kids will be excited about helping each other find them all. Better print it out now and file it away, because we all know that you will have no time on the actual day you go to the zoo.

Any other zoo lovers out there?
Don't have a zoo nearby? Check out this “Toddler's List of Day Trips” over at More Fun Mom