

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Danika is a name that often seems like it is at the peak of modern naming conventions. After all, it is an alteration of a popular name, but one that still seems timely. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Danika:

Slavic: Morning star or from Denmark

Origin of the name Danika:

Denmark is a version of a Slavic name largely used in Denmark that means either “morning star” or “from Denmark”.

Symbolism of the name Danika:

Danika tends to be a name that symbolizes hope, generally because the name tends to evoke the image of the first light after a long period of darkness.

Style of the name Danika:


Gender of the name Danika:

Danika is almost always used as a name for a baby girl.

Pronunciation of the name Danika:


Number of syllables in the name Danika:


Emotion evoked from the name Danika:

Danika tends to evoke emotions related to hope and happiness.

Alternative spellings for the name Danika:

Nicknames for the name Danika:

Popularity of the name Danika:

According to the Social Security Administration, Danika last ranked as the 787th most popular girl's name in 2014. The name peaked in popularity in 2007, when it was the 454th most popular girl's name.

Related names for the name Danika:

Great middle names for Danika and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Danika:

Danikas in popular culture:

  • Danika Merrick (character played by Marissa Tomei in the film Danika)
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