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Shelbie is a unique spelling variation of the name Shelby. These titles date back to an ancient surname in England, Selby. As of 2021, Shelbie is a top 13,000 option for boys or girls.

Meaning of the name Shelbie:

English: willow farm
Old Norse: willow farm

Origin of the name Shelbie:

Shelbie is the spelling variation of the baby name Shelby. Shelby originated as a surname in England. It was likely a spelling variation of Selby. Selby was another English surname that represented families from a specific place called Selby. It translated to “willow farm” in the Old Norse language.

Symbolism of the name Shelbie:

Shelbie has the same meaning as the original, Shelby. Shelby dates back to another former surname, Selby. Selby is a place in England. It translates to “willow farm” in the Old Norse language.

Style of the name Shelbie:


Gender of the name Shelbie:

Shelbie is a unisex name option. This spelling is more common among girls.

Pronunciation of the name Shelbie:


Number of syllables in the name Shelbie:


Emotion evoked from the name Shelbie:

Shelbie is an informal and wholesome baby name. It is youthful and upbeat.

Alternative spellings for the name Shelbie:

  • Shelby 
  • Shelbeigh
  • Shelbey
  • Shelbi
  • Shelbee
  • Shelbei

Nicknames for the name Shelbie:

  • Shel
  • Shelb
  • Shelbs
  • Shebbie
  • Seashel
  • Elbie

Popularity of the name Shelbie:

Shelbie was first a top 1,000 baby name in America in 1991 at rank 576. It stayed on the Social Security Popularity Index until 1999 at number 985. Shelbie ranked highest in 1992 at rank 529. As of 2021, Shelbie is a top 13,000 option for boys or girls. More specifically, it is number 12,516.

Related names for the name Shelbie:

Great middle names for Shelbie and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Shelbie:

  • Shelbie Bruce (actress, “Spanglish”)

Shelbies in popular culture:

There are no popular culture references to the name Shelbie.

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