

Baby Girl Names


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Kamora is a baby girl’s name of Malagasy and Japanese origin. It is a variant spelling of Kamara and Kimura. Kamora has nature-related meanings in both origins: “chameleon” and “tree, wood, village”. Kamora was only in the top 1000 baby names list in one year, 2008.

Meaning of the name Kamora:

Malagasy: chameleon
Japanese: tree, wood, village

Origin of the name Kamora:

Kamora is a baby girl’s name of Malagasy and Japanese origin. In Malagasy, Kamora is a variant spelling of Kamara and means “chameleon”. Kamora is also a variant spelling of the Japanese surname Kimura and means “tree, wood, village”.

Symbolism of the name Kamora:

Kamora means “chameleon”. A chameleon is a type of lizard that is known for its ability to adapt to its surroundings. A chameleon can change color to match the type of material they are on, making it difficult for predators to spot them.

Style of the name Kamora:


Gender of the name Kamora:

Kamora is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Kamora:

kə-MAWR-ə (English), ka-MO-ra (Malagasy), KYEE-MOO-RA (Japanese)

Number of syllables in the name Kamora:


Emotion evoked from the name Kamora:

Kamora evokes feelings of wisdom and creativity.

Alternative spellings for the name Kamora:

Kamara, Kimara, Kimura, Kamura

Nicknames for the name Kamora:

  • Kam
  • Kami 
  • Mor
  • Mora
  • Mori
  • Am
  • Amy
  • Ama

Popularity of the name Kamora:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kamora is a popular baby girl’s name. Kamora was in the top 1000 baby names list in only one year, 2008, when in ranked #943.

Related names for the name Kamora:

Great middle names for the name Kamora and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kamora:

  • Kamora (American fashion vlogger)
  • Kamora Le'Ella Herrington (American educator)
  • Kamora Jackson (American model)
  • Kamora Helton (American tennis player)
  • Kamora Carr (American track and field player)

Kamoras in popular culture:

  • Kamora (a brand of Coffee Liqueur)
  • Kamora (also called an Inverted breve, a type of linguistic notation)
  • Kamora (Scottish band)
  • Kamora (city in India)
  • Kamora (literature, “The Legend of Amnity”)
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