

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Brecken is a baby boy’s name of Irish origin that means “speckled, freckled”. Brecken is a modern spelling of the medieval Irish name Breccan. Brecken is a recently popular name that hit the top 1000 baby names list in 2011.

Meaning of the name Brecken:

Irish: freckled, speckled

Origin of the name Brecken:

Brecken is a baby boy’s name of Irish origin that means “freckled, speckled”. Brecken is a modern variant spelling of the medieval Irish name Breccan.

Symbolism of the name Brecken:

Brecken means “speckled, freckled”. Freckles are a common physical feature of the fair skinned people of Irish descent.

Style of the name Brecken:


Gender of the name Brecken:

Brecken is a boy's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Brecken:


Number of syllables in the name Brecken:


Emotion evoked from the name Brecken:

Brecken evokes feelings of creativity and compassion.

Alternative spellings for the name Brecken:

Bracken, Brechin, Breckin, Breccan

Nicknames for the name Brecken:

  • Brey
  • Breck
  • Reck
  • Recky
  • Ken
  • Kenny 

Popularity of the name Brecken:

According to the Social Security Administration, Brecken is a popular baby boy’s name. Brecken has been in the top 1000 baby names list since 2011. It peaked at #712 in 2017.

Related names for the name Brecken:

Great middle names for the name Brecken and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Brecken:

Brecken in popular culture:

  • Harris Brecken (video games, “Dying Light”)
  • Brecken (television, “Crow Cillers”)
  • Jonos (literature, “A Song of Ice and Fire” series by George R. R. Martin)
  • Brecken (literature, “Five Total Strangers” by Natalie D. Richards)
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