

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Edrick is an alternative spelling of Edric, and while it's never been that popular in the United States, it's on the rise. Edrick makes a great alternative to tired Ed names, like Edward and Edmund. The name has a powerful meaning, and it pairs well with both classic and modern middle names. It also comes with a variety of nicknames.

Meaning of the name Edrick:

English: Wealthy and powerful, wealthy ruler

Origin of the name Edrick:

Edrick is an English name that means “wealthy and powerful.” It comes from the Old English elements “êad,” which means “rich” and “rîc,” which means “powerful.” It can also mean “wealthy ruler.”

Symbolism of the name Edrick:

New parents may choose the name Edrick if they want their baby boy to grow up to be wealthy, powerful, and a great leader. It could also be a way to honor a father or grandfather named Edward, Edmund, or Rick.

Style of the name Edrick:


Gender of the name Edrick:

Edrick is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Edrick:


Number of syllables in the name Edrick:


Emotion evoked from the name Edrick:

The baby name Edrick evokes images of someone who is active and adventurous.

Alternative spellings for the name Edrick:

  • Edric
  • Eadrick
  • Eadric
  • Edrik
  • Edrich

Nicknames for the name Edrick:

Popularity of the name Edrick:

According to the Social Security Administration, Edrick has never been a top 1,000 baby name for boys or girls in the United States.

Related names for the name Edrick:

Great middle names for Edrick and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Edrick:

  • Edrick Lee (rugby player)
  • Edrick Menjívar (soccer player)
  • Edrick Floréal (triple jumper and track and field coach)

Edricks in popular culture:


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