

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The exact origin of Elicia is unknown. It's most likely an alternative spelling of Alicia or an alternative of Elisha. Either way, it's never been that popular in the United States, but it has been gaining some traction over the last few years. It has a bit more of a modern feel than Alicia or Elisha, even more so when you pair it with a current middle name, like Ophelia or Alexis.

Meaning of the name Elicia:

German: Noble
Hebrew: God is salvation

Origin of the name Elicia:

Elicia's exact origins are unknown. On one hand, it could be an alternative spelling of Alicia, which is a German derivative of Alice. It means “noble.” On the other hand, it could be an alternative spelling of Elisha, a Hebrew name that means “God is salvation.” Either way, it's a modern American spelling.

Symbolism of the name Elicia:

Depending on which meaning you like or believe, Elicia may symbolize nobility or leadership. It could also be a symbol of faith.

Style of the name Elicia:


Gender of the name Elicia:

Elicia is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Elicia:

ah-LEE-shah or ah-LEE-see-ah

Number of syllables in the name Elicia:

Three or four depending on pronunciation.

Emotion evoked from the name Elicia:

The baby name Elicia evokes images of someone who is

Alternative spellings for the name Elicia:

Nicknames for the name Elicia:

Popularity of the name Elicia:

According to the Social Security Administration, Elicia has never been a top 1,000 baby name for boys or girls in the United States.

Related names for the name Elicia:

Great middle names for Elicia and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Elicia:


Elicias in popular culture:


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