

Baby Girl Names


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Idalis is a rare baby name for girls. The name Idalis is also a variation of a classic German name. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Idalis:

German for “industrious one”.

Origin of the name Idalis:

Idalis is a variation of the German name “Ida”, giving the name Germanic roots. The name “Ida” originally went to England via the Normans, but it died by the time the Middle Ages rolled around. Although “Ida” saw a revival later, Idalis came up as a more modern take on the name.

Symbolism of the name Idalis:

You can find a relation to someone who works hard with the name Idalis. The baby name Idalis also inspires determination and a sense of self-worth.

Style of the name Idalis:

Rare and classic.

Gender of the name Idalis:

The baby name Idalis is seen as a name with a more feminine slant.

Pronunciation of the name Idalis:

IE-də-lis or EE-də-lis

Number of syllables in the name Idalis:


Emotion evoked from the name Idalis:

Idalis is a baby name that can feel encouraging and strong.

Alternative spellings for the name Idalis:

There are no popular alternative spellings for the baby name Idalis.

Nicknames for the name Idalis:

  • Ida 
  • Ids
  • Idy
  • Lissy
  • Lis

Popularity of the name Idalis:

According to information from the Social Security Administration, Idalis has never ranked on the list of the top 1000 baby names considering how rarely the name is used.

Related names for the name Idalis:

  • Ailis
  • Allais
  • Adelis
  • Ellis 
  • Hollis

Great middle names for Idalis and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Idalis:

  • Idalis DeLeón (American actress, singer, TV host)
  • Idalis Ortiz (Cuban judoka, Olympic medal winner)

Idalis’s in movies/pop culture:

Idalis is not a common name used in film, TV, music, or other pop culture areas.

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