

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Misti is a trendy baby name that is a variation of the more classic “Misty” name. Misti also slipped into the top 1000 list as a popular name for baby girls numerous times. Keep reading if you want to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Misti:

English for “mist”.

Origin of the name Misti:

The baby name Misti is a variation of the name “Misty”, which comes from the English word “misty”. That term is backed with Old English origins.

Symbolism of the name Misti:

As Misti comes from the name “Misty”, its symbolism is rooted in mist itself. There is a complexity found in the name despite how straightforward Misti is. Mist symbolizes something unknown and hidden, a mystery waiting to be solved.

Style of the name Misti:


Gender of the name Misti:

The baby name Misti is seen as a feminine name.

Pronunciation of the name Misti:


Number of syllables in the name Misti:


Emotion evoked from the name Misti:

The baby name Misti can evoke happy, carefree, and all-around fun feelings.

Alternative spellings for the name Misti:

  • Misty
  • Mistee
  • Mistie 
  • Mystee
  • Mysti

Nicknames for the name Misti:

Popularity of the name Misti:

Based on information from the Social Security Index, the baby name Misti saw its most popular use in 1975 when it ranked #390 within the top 1000.

Related names for the name Misti:

Great middle names for Misti and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Misti:

  • Misti Traya (American actress)

Mistis in movies/pop culture:

As of now, the baby name Misti is not found in any pop culture references.

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