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Baby Names




Ryley is an alternative spelling of the super-popular Riley. While Riley was considered a boys' name for years, it's become quite common for girls over the last couple of decades. As a matter of fact, it's been one of the top 100 names for girls in the United States since 2002. Ryley itself was popular for boys during the early 2000s, but with Riley remaining so high on the charts, don't be surprised if you see some alternative spellings on the list during the 2020s. Pair Ryley with a classic middle name to keep it grounded.

Meaning of the name Ryley:

Irish: Rye clearing, courageous

Origin of the name Ryley:

Ryley is an alternative to Riley, which is both a given name and a surname. It's derived from the old Irish name Raghallaigh, which is derived from the Gaelic word “raghalach.” It means “courageous.” Riley as an English surname, however, referred to someone who lived near a rye clearing.

Symbolism of the name Ryley:

New parents may find symbolism in Ryley's meaning. They may choose the name for their son or daughter in hopes they grow up to become courageous.

Style of the name Ryley:

Modern, trendy

Gender of the name Ryley:

Ryley is a unisex baby name — it's given to boys and girls alike.

Pronunciation of the name Ryley:


Number of syllables in the name Ryley:


Emotion evoked from the name Ryley:

The baby name Riley evokes images of someone who is fun-loving, a bit mischievous, and smart.

Alternative spellings for the name Ryley:

Nicknames for the name Ryley:

Popularity of the name Ryley:

According to the Social Security Administration, Ryley was a top 1,000 name for boys in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2002. It ranked at number 995 in 1997, 906 in 2000, 916 in 2001, and 987 in 2002.

Related names for the name Ryley:

Great middle names for Ryley and their meanings:

For Girls

For Boys

  • Thomas (twin)
  • Alexander (protector of men)
  • Stone (stone)
  • Kyle (narrow strait)
  • Parker (park keeper)

Famous people with the name Ryley:

  • Ryley Barnes (volleyball player)
  • Ryley Batt (wheelchair rugby player)
  • Ryley Dunn (soccer player)
  • Ryley Gilliam (baseball player)
  • Ryley Walker (musician)
  • Ryley Miller (hockey player)
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